Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Planned hikes for 2008

So far I've booked time off work to do the following hikes:

West Coast Trail - May 15th to 22nd.
Juan de Fuca Marine Trail - June 29nd - July 2nd

This is the second time around that I will have attempted both of these trails. I did the WCT when I was 15 with a group organised by the Y. I was a real hoot. We spent a couple of days out at Cape Beale and then did the North half of the WCT. This time I'm doing it solo and will be doing the whole thing. I don't think I'll have time to get out to Cape Beale but I'll see what happens. I'm going in May so I don't have to make a reservation and to beat some of the crowds. The weather may be a bit problematic but I don't mind hiking in the rain.

I also attempted to do the JDFT last summer and got from Mystic Beach to Sombrio Beach but I brought way to much stuff (about 60lbs!) which killed my back and feet. This is what got me into Lightweight Backpacking in the first place as I wanted to finish the JDFT this year but don't want to take that amount of stuff.

I may do another in the summer depending on how things work out, not sure which yet at this point.

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