Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Backpacking Trips that I would like to do

I've been finding out about some backpacking trips that I would like to do at some point in the near future.

The North Coast Trail - this is the one I'm most looking forward to. 61 KM around Cape Scott at the north end of Vancouver Island. Various people are describing the NCT as like the West Coast Trail when it first opened. I think it is currently scheduled to be open for hikers in the spring/summer of 2008. I planning on doing this in the spring of summer of 2009.

The John Muir Trail - 211 miles of California ending at the top of the highest peak in the lower 48 states. Yikes! I think I've got a bit of training to do before I'm ready to attempt this one.

The Pacific Crest Trail - The big brother to the John Muir Trail. 2650 miles from the Canadian border down to Mexico. I doubt if I'll ever get a chance to thru-hike it but hopefully I'll be able to do some of the more interesting bits.

The Wonderland Trail - 93 miles around the base of Mount Rainer in Washington State.

BC Leg of the Trans Canada Trail

I would also like to enter (and finish) a MOMAR race

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