Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Heading Down Under Tomorrow

A sister company based out of Sydney is having some issues with a new installation of Citrix and the parent company that owns us both wants me to go down and see what can be done. Apparently, there is a shortage of IT people with Citrix skills in Australia. Should be fun!

I've managed to bookend the week with both weekends, so on the 19th and 20th I am going to go drive out to the Blue Mountains and stay in Blackheath near Katoomba. On Saturday I'm going to walk the Golden Stairs and hike out to Ruined Castle and maybe Mt. Solitary. On Sunday I'm doing the Grand Canyon walk and then driving back to Sydney on Bells Line of Roads. Saturday the 26th I'll go down to the Royal National Park and see what I can see there.

Its wintertime in Australia so Sydney is about the same temperature as Victoria during the spring (19°C during the day, 10°C at night). Katoomba is currently about 10°C during the day and 3°C at night). So I'm having to dig out my thermals and my Thermawrap to make sure I don't freeze out my walks.

I'll put up a Flickr photostream when I get back.