Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Geotagging Photos with a Canon SD850 IS

I've been looking into how to geotag pictures taken with my Canon SD850 using my Garmin 60 CSx GPS. My first thought was to link the two together with a USB cable and see if CHDK would add GPS support to the Canon. Unfortunately, at this time, it doesn't look like it does. It is still worth checking out though to add other cool features to your camera.

I did come across a method that has you time sync the camera and the GPS and turn on the tracking on the GPS. You go out and take your photos with the GPS on the whole time. When you get home you download the GPS track info and the photos and then use PhotoMapper to add the geotag metadata from the track to the pictures.

For extended trips, you would need to make sure that the track info was being written to the memory card in the GPS as the internal memory in the 60 CSx can only hold 1000 points.

I will try this soon and see how it works.

More details can be found here.

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